Get Cool for Summer

~Conceptual Coolness!~

11:24 AMCapitol de Beaute Blog by Melanie Woodroffe

back by ann-sofie back
gaetano perrone

Do you ever wonder where the super chic people get their fashion? 

Always looking way ahead of all trends & fads of the moment & oh so polished?!

Well, they shop wisely for key pieces; mix in the vintage (i.e., Mom's 1960's precious pink pumps with a Hanes for Men white tee, dark denim flared jeans from the depths of the closet & a black motorcycle jacket found at Goodwill!)
Throw on some great jewels, a layered mix with old & new!

And out the door they go, a fashion icon in their own right!

Look through your closet & go through your jewels, think about how you would change YOUR individual style, without the influence of trends or others!

Go do it, and send me pics!

p.s. not sure about where to begin?....check out one of my favorite websites for individual style!

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