#Terrarium #DIY #Interior Design #Garden #Life #Create #Creative Project #Pinterest #Gardening #Earth Month #Make Something

~Earthly Delights!!~

2:06 PMCapitol de Beaute Blog by Melanie Woodroffe

All pieces are found via Goodwill and my back yard! 
Gather all of your goodies, then go! 10 minutes! Yay!

Find a great glass container. Believe it or not, I found these all at Goodwill! 
Forage around your garden for tiny bits and pieces of moss, succulent, fern, small {identifiable} plants, rocks, bark and sticks.
Look around your home for smallish, cute things to decorate with. { I found a tiny ceramic mushroom sculptor, and these great crystal beads from Christmas}
Lay your gravel in the bottom of the container, then add dirt and sand to build a foundation.
Then take a drinking straw and dig a few tiny holes to place your plants. {once done, throw the straw in the recycle bin!}
Add tiny landscaping details like the ones shown, and voila! You're done!

Next, find a filtered, sunny space and watch your garden grow! Water sparingly or use a little mist of water for humidity!

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