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Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Receives “Tiny Door” to Celebrate 75th Anniversary
2:23 PMCapitol de Beaute Blog by Melanie Woodroffe
In celebration of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s (ASO) 75th
Anniversary Season, the ASO received an exclusive “Tiny Door” by artist and
Tiny Doors ATL founder Karen Anderson Singer. The celebration took place
September 20 with an unveiling ceremony followed by a tiny toast and meet and
greet with Karen Anderson Singer. Tiny Doors ATL is an Atlanta-based art
project bringing big wonder to tiny spaces. Tiny Doors ATL installs 7-inch tall
doors in strategic places throughout the city. Each door is designed to look
and feel like the surrounding neighborhood's architecture and community spirit.
Like the neighborhoods, no two doors are exactly the same. Tiny Doors ATL
has sparked a public art movement that has worldwide impact and tourists flock
to Atlanta to take the Tiny Doors Tour.
The ASO Tiny Door, located outside of The Woodruff Arts Center,
includes an eccentric black and white piano mural with a bright blue door and
music note door handle. The ultimate photo opportunity to celebrate the
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's 75th season!
"In celebration of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's 75th
season, we are honored to partner with Tiny Doors ATL to unveil the ASO's very
own tiny door," said Tammy Hawk, Vice President of Marketing and
Communications. "Collaborating with some of Atlanta's many
innovative artists like Karen Anderson Singer is a wonderful way to commemorate
this historic season."
For more information about Tiny Doors ATL, visit: https://tinydoorsatl.com. For more
information about the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, visit: www.atlantasymphony.org.