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~No to Mediocre Melanie!! | C4ward March Blogathon: Day 11 |

8:49 PMCapitol de Beaute Blog by Melanie Woodroffe

"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It is lethal."
- Paolo Coelho

This is my pledge: 

My goal is to never succumb to the mediocre or routine. If you see me being mediocre or routinizing, you have my permission to kick me!
  • What knowledge gaps do you have? Unfortunately, I have many. I wish I could know everything! I am learning every day, even on the days that I do not wish to learn a thing.  

  • What classes are you dying to take? Creative, professional, technical, etc...
    I am currently taking web development classes, which is something that I have always wanted to do. Later this month, I will start a video marketing course and a designing brand collateral course. Super excited!
    I'll take or re-take any and all courses! I love to learn. 

  • If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently - or in a different order? I would have followed my bliss a little sooner. When I was younger, making money was all that was on my mind. My creative talents were just a hobby. I could have been happier a long time ago and still made money! 

  • What resources do you feel are essential to the growth of your creative or entrepreneurial practice? I need to update my computer equipment and software. Purchased a better camera. I need a space to work in very badly. 

  • If you had a super power, what would it be? The power of extreme focus! I think they make a pill for that, but I like having my faculties about me! 

  • If you could work with anyone, who would it be? Wow, that's a hard one. The creators of Pinterest. Basquiat, Jimi Hendrix, Vermeer {he was so strange, I like!}, Rembrandt, Linda Fargo, Sylvia Plath, and my family inspires me too and they're funny! 


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