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The Challenge of Challenges | C4ward March Blogathon: Day 15 |
11:14 AMCapitol de Beaute Blog by Melanie Woodroffe{Simply this} |
Everyday I repeat the same mantra.
When I awake in the morning, I try to think about the things that I am grateful for the day before, such as people who are kind, good decisions that I have made, the safety of my friends and family, for a functioning body and that I am still here to wake up in the morning for this mantra.
You may think you have more time.
In between this mantra, I make a list of subcategories infused with prayer. Throughout the day, I remind myself to be conscious of others; appreciating the opportunity of listening, learning, watching, and discovering their talents unfold.
I can learn so much from the interactions of others.
I practice being present.
Not every situation in life is bright, fun and easy.
I pursue my dreams with fervor, I aggregate my thoughts, cultivate and create.
Some days I have no idea what the hell I'm doing, but I do it anyway.
If I achieve even one positive thing, I have improved. If I have learned from one negative thing, I have improved. If I meet only one new person that day, my life has improved. If I get to live one more day and to practice this mantra once more , things have significantly improved!
You are all of the things that you think you are.
With gratitude, I would like to wish those of you who were a part of this challenge my deepest appreciation. I have learned so much from your stories, and for the last 15 days, my life has improved.
To C4, I look forward to future conversations with you, opportunities and many visits!
To C4, I look forward to future conversations with you, opportunities and many visits!
Thank you, blessings and best wishes to all.
The End & The Beginning.