#dreams #goals #inspirations #affirmations #purpose #truth blogger challenge

~The Five Minute Plan!!~Short Story | C4 Blogathon 15 Day Challenge | Day 2

11:04 AMCapitol de Beaute Blog by Melanie Woodroffe

I was a sick child with an "old person's disease", it began to destroy my joints, eyes, vital organs at the tender age of 8 years. Tiny swollen hands and fingers, tight skin close to splitting open. Blood shot eyes & barely being able to walk was normal everyday life for me.

So I try to think of my life in tiny packages. Small manageable bits and pieces of perspective. 
If I attempt anything larger, I lose some of my creative edge with worry. The latter probably stems from everything that I have told you in the beginning. Hope is more attainable in small dosages. Being creative is very similar to hope, well, the end result is the same, a sense of satisfaction and optimism. Hope was all I had as a child. It is part of my middle name. It defines me.

I am lucky to be here, so I make things with my hands. I am grateful to be here, so I make until they hurt, and sometimes they hurt before I can make, so all I can do is rest & dream of making. 

One day they will cease to move and to make. A five year plan is out of the question. A five minute plan is more feasible. I can dream in those minutes and if things are working smoothly, I can make in those minutes. 

This photo was taken in Serenbe at the Southern Living Magazine Holiday Market Event of some of the things I make and sell. I am always creating mentally, creatively and physically.
When I am not writing, I am making jewelry, painting, sculpting....using my hands to remain dexterity, flexibility and movement, relying on hope to remain sane. 

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